Research Area: Health services for the uninsured

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Health Insurance Reform and the 111th Congress
Publication Date: May 2009 Research Area: Health
Hidden Health Tax: Americans Pay a Premium
Publication Date: May 2009 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Kim Bailey, Kathleen Stoll
10 Ways to Keep Health Coverage if You Lose Your Job
Publication Date: April 2009 Research Area: Health
The Folly of Health Insurance Mandates
Publication Date: April 2009 Research Area: Health
The Medicare Drug Benefit: How Much Will You Pay?
Publication Date: April 2009 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Families USA
States Act to Help People Laid Off from Small Firms: More Needs to Be Done
Publication Date: April 2009 Research Area: Health
Facts on Health Coverage in the United States
Publication Date: March 2009 Research Area: Health