Research Area: Hospitals and other health care facilities

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Orthodox Jewish Customs in their Relation to the Nursing Profession
Publication Date: September 1915 Research Area: Culture and religion; Health
National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives
Publication Date: January 1915 Research Area: Health
Social Service in Hospitals
Publication Date: May 1914 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Author(s): Mary H. Kraus
What Municipal Cooperation Means from the Standpoint of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver
Publication Date: January 1909 Research Area: Health; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Author(s): Samuel Grabfelder
The Mission of Local Sanatoria in the Crusade Against Tuberculosis
Publication Date: January 1907 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Kohn & Pollock Inc. Author(s): Theodore B. Sachs