Research Area: Pharmaceutical services

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Democracy on Drugs: The Medicare/Prescription Drug Bill: A Study in How Government Shouldn't Work
Publication Date: May 2004 Research Area: Health; Politics
Publisher(s): Common Cause (U.S.) Author(s): Celia Wexler
Myths and Realities on Prices of AIDS Drugs
Publication Date: May 2004 Research Area: Health
Publisher(s): Hudson Institute Author(s): Carol Adelman
National ADAP Monitoring Project 2004 Annual Report
Publication Date: May 2004 Research Area: Health
Collusion and Other Anticompetitive Practices: A Survey of Class Action Lawsuits Against Drug Manufacturers
Publication Date: January 2004 Research Area: Health; Law and ethics; Manufacturing and industry
Publisher(s): Families USA Author(s): Patrick Cafferty, Dee Mahan