Research Area: Civil and political rights

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The Moral Foundation of the Civil Rights Movement Soaries
Publication Date: March 1990 Research Area: Human rights
Achieving the Dream
Publication Date: February 1990 Research Area: Human rights; Social conditions
Bigotry on Campus
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Education; Human rights
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Kenneth S. Stern
The Supreme Court and Civil Rights: A Challenge for George Bush
Publication Date: September 1989 Research Area: Human rights
Reagan's Wise Veto of the "Grove City" Bill
Publication Date: March 1988 Research Area: Human rights
Time to Abolish the U.S. Civil Rights Commission
Publication Date: September 1986 Research Area: Human rights
It's Time for a Senate Probe of U.S. Handling of Political Asylum
Publication Date: December 1985 Research Area: Human rights
Civil Rights Bill: Congress Must Say What It Means
Publication Date: August 1984 Research Area: Human rights
The Grove City Decision and Civil Rights
Publication Date: March 1984 Research Area: Education; Human rights