Research Area: Economic, social, and cultural rights

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New Directions in U.S. Foreign Assistance and the Role of Information and Communication Technology
Publication Date: November 2002 Research Area: Economics; Human rights; Media, telecommunications, and information
The Privacy Act: Emerging Issues and Related Legislation
Publication Date: February 2002 Research Area: Human rights
Affirmative Action: Recent Congressional and Presidential Activity
Publication Date: May 1998 Research Area: Human rights; Social conditions
Do population programs violate women's human rights?
Publication Date: January 1994 Research Area: Health; Human rights; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Karen Oppenheim Mason
Political Correctness and the Assault on Individuality
Publication Date: March 1993 Research Area: Human rights
Feminism and Free Markets: Friends or Foes?
Publication Date: March 1993 Research Area: Human rights; Social conditions