Research Area: Human rights promotion and violations

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Creating a Peace to Keep in Darfur
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Human rights; International relations
Getting Serious About Ending Conflict and Sexual Violence in Congo
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Human rights; International relations
R2P, The ICC, and Stopping Atrocities in the Real World
Publication Date: March 2008 Research Area: Human rights
Kenya: Containing a Rebounding Crisis
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Human rights; Politics
Publisher(s): Center for American Progress Author(s): Gayle Smith
Policy Standard: Northern Uganda
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Human rights
Heritage Foundation Statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Human rights; International relations
Interrogation of Detainees: Overview of the McCain Amendment
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Human rights; Law and ethics
Don't Quit Now: Bringing the Darfur Genocide to an End
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Government; Human rights