Research Area: Human rights promotion and violations

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'Justice on the cheap' revisited : the failure of the serious crimes trials in East Timor
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Human rights; Politics
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): David Cohen
Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean
Publication Date: December 2005 Research Area: Human rights
Statement of Principles Regarding North Korea
Publication Date: July 2005 Research Area: Human rights
Publisher(s): Hudson Institute Author(s): Michael Horowitz
We Must Halt the Genocide in Darfur, Sudan Now
Publication Date: June 2005 Research Area: Human rights; International relations; Law and ethics
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Allison S. Cohen
Thinking about the Holocaust 60 Years Later: A Multinational Public-Opinion Survey
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Education; Human rights; Social conditions
Seeking justice on the cheap : is the East Timor tribunal really a model for the future?
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Human rights; Justice
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): David Cohen