Research Area: Human rights promotion and violations

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Why the World Is Watching Beijing's Treatment of Tibet
Publication Date: October 1987 Research Area: Human rights; Politics
Soviet Human Rights Under Gorbachev
Publication Date: February 1987 Research Area: Human rights
The Hypocrisy of U.N. Human Rights Day
Publication Date: December 1983 Research Area: Human rights; International relations
The Sandinista War on Human Rights
Publication Date: July 1983 Research Area: Human rights
Slave Labor and the Soviet Pipeline
Publication Date: September 1982 Research Area: Human rights
The U.N. and Human Rights: The Double Standard
Publication Date: May 1982 Research Area: Human rights; International relations
Human Rights and Foreign Policy
Publication Date: August 1977 Research Area: Government; Human rights
Antisemitism as a Policy Tool in the Soviet Bloc
Publication Date: January 1970 Research Area: Culture and religion; Human rights
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Maurice Friedberg