Research Area: International peace and security

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The Sudan Peace Process
Publication Date: June 2003 Research Area: International relations
Verifying North Korean Nuclear Disarmament: A Technical Analysis
Publication Date: June 2003 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Priority Steps to Strengthen the Nonproliferation Regime
Publication Date: January 2003 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Questioning the Bosnia Peace Plan
Publication Date: October 2002 Research Area: International relations
Beware of Deploying U.S. Peacekeepers on the Golan Heights
Publication Date: October 2002 Research Area: International relations
The Persian Gulf: Issues for U.S. Policy, 2002
Publication Date: August 2002 Research Area: International relations
Strategic Defense and Cooperation
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: International relations
What Next in Afghanistan?
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: International relations