Research Area: International peace and security

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A Timetable for Deploying A Strategic Defense
Publication Date: December 1987 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
The Future of Deterrence
Publication Date: February 1987 Research Area: International relations
U.S. -Soviet-China Relations and Strategic Defense
Publication Date: October 1986 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Middle East Update: Peace Prospects and the Danger of War
Publication Date: August 1986 Research Area: International relations
The Conventional Arms Balance, Part 3: Deterring Nuclear War in Europe
Publication Date: July 1986 Research Area: International relations
The Nuclear Test Resolution: Undermining the President at the Summit
Publication Date: October 1985 Research Area: International relations
Strategic Defense and America's Allies
Publication Date: April 1985 Research Area: International relations
One Year Later -- The Lessons of KAL 007
Publication Date: August 1984 Research Area: International relations
The U.S. and the Contadora Effort for Central American Peace
Publication Date: August 1984 Research Area: International relations
Missiles in Europe: The Case for Deployment
Publication Date: October 1983 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense