Research Area: International relations

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Strategic Relations Between the Former Soviet Republics
Publication Date: April 1992 Research Area: International relations
Political Errors at the End of the 20th Century, Part III: International Errors
Publication Date: April 1992 Research Area: International relations; Politics
Freedom and the Future
Publication Date: March 1991 Research Area: International relations
Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Persian Gulf
Publication Date: November 1990 Research Area: International relations
Gorbacheve's Central Asian Time Bomb Is Ticking
Publication Date: September 1990 Research Area: International relations
Bush To Gorbachev: Choose Between Saddam and the West
Publication Date: August 1990 Research Area: International relations
U.S.-Soviet Goals in the Asia-Pacific Region: Coincidence or Confrontation?
Publication Date: June 1990 Research Area: International relations
World Revolutionary Change and the Rise of the American Nation in the 21st Century
Publication Date: August 1989 Research Area: Economics; International relations
The USSR and Its Proxies in a Volatile South Pacific
Publication Date: June 1988 Research Area: International relations
Sound New Advice from the Agency for International Development
Publication Date: March 1988 Research Area: Economics; International relations