Research Area: International relations

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The Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy
Publication Date: January 1988 Research Area: International relations
A New Freedom Fighter Aid Strategy
Publication Date: July 1987 Research Area: International relations; Politics
Returning to Paradise, Combating the Soviet Threat to the South Pacific
Publication Date: August 1986 Research Area: International relations
Moscow's Strategy in Southern Africa: A Country by Country Review
Publication Date: July 1986 Research Area: International relations
Moscow's Thriving Libyan Connection
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: International relations
Superpower Summitry and Its Perils
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: International relations
Ten Steps to Counter Moscow's Threat to Northern Europe
Publication Date: May 1984 Research Area: International relations
In Afghanistan, Moscow Ridicules the U.N.
Publication Date: May 1984 Research Area: International relations
As Israel and the Arabs Battle, Moscow Collects the Dividends
Publication Date: September 1983 Research Area: International relations
Moscow Eyes the Caribbean
Publication Date: August 1983 Research Area: International relations