Research Area: Banking operations and services

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Comparison of California's Financial Information Privacy Act of 2003 with Federal Privacy Provisions
Publication Date: January 2004 Research Area: Banking and finance; Media, telecommunications, and information
Electronic Banking: The Check Truncation Issue
Publication Date: October 2003 Research Area: Banking and finance
Insurance Regulation: Background and Issues
Publication Date: September 2003 Research Area: Banking and finance
Should Banking Powers Expand into Real Estate Brokerage and Management?
Publication Date: August 2003 Research Area: Banking and finance; Business
Deposit Insurance: The Bank Insurance Fund
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: Banking and finance
Electronic Payments and the U.S. Payments System
Publication Date: June 2002 Research Area: Banking and finance
Banking''s Proposed "Know Your Customer" Rules
Publication Date: August 2001 Research Area: Banking and finance