Research Area: Employment and labor supply

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Unemployment: What's to Blame?
Publication Date: October 1982 Research Area: Labor
Workfare: Breaking the Poverty Cycle
Publication Date: July 1982 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
Career Counseling for the 80's: Providing Service in a Shrinking Job Market
Publication Date: March 1981 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
Reaching Out to the Aging Through Vocational Services
Publication Date: June 1980 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
The Implications of Part-time Work for Our Aged
Publication Date: June 1957 Research Area: Labor; Population and demographics
What Louisville Did For the Unemployed
Publication Date: June 1915 Research Area: Labor
Publication Date: February 1914 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
Publisher(s): Author(s): Lee K. Frankel
New Orleans as a Port for European Immigration
Publication Date: October 1913 Research Area: Labor; Population and demographics
Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society, New York
Publication Date: May 1902 Research Area: Culture and religion; Labor
The Soviet Brain Drain is our Brain Gain: A Career Transition Program for Émigré Scientists and Engineers
Publication Date: Research Area: Labor; Population and demographics; Science and technology