Research Area: Employment and labor supply

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The importance of manufacturing: Key to recovery in the states and the nation
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Labor; Manufacturing and industry
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Robert Scott
Renewing U.S. manufacturing: Promoting a high-road strategy
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Labor; Manufacturing and industry
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Susan Helper
The January Employment Report: Private Employment Increased
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Labor
Job Creation and New York State IDAs: A Response to the Jobs with Justice Report
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Labor; Manufacturing and industry
The Stimulus: Extending Unemployment Insurance Is Unnecessary
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Economics; Labor
The Economic Development Effects of Early Childhood Programs
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Economics; Education; Labor
Publisher(s): Author(s): Timothy J. Bartik
The Economy's Year-End Fizz
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Labor