Research Area: Labor conditions, wages, salaries, and benefits

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Affirmative Action in Employment: A Legal Overview
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
Globalization that Works for Working Americans
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Economics; Labor
Publisher(s): Economic Policy Institute Author(s): Jeff Faux
Raising the Minimum Wage Will Not Reduce Poverty
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Labor
The Impact of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 on Low Wage Jobs
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions
Easing the Pain: Let States Opt Out of a Minimum Wage Hike
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Labor
How Much Are Public School Teachers Paid?
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Education; Labor