Research Area: Labor conditions, wages, salaries, and benefits

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Small Business Owner and Manager Support for Washington Voluntary Accounts
Publication Date: September 2006 Research Area: Labor
Flex in the City: The Story of a Mayor and His Vision
Publication Date: August 2006 Research Area: Labor
Publisher(s): Center for Law and Social Policy Author(s): Webb Lyons
Federal Minimum Wage Bill Would Lower Wages in Washington
Publication Date: August 2006 Research Area: Labor
The Role of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage for Immigrants: A Primer
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Health; Labor
Get the Prescription: Child Care Workers Need Paid Sick Days
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Labor
California Family Leave and Short-Term Disability Insurance
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Labor
When Work Doesn't Pay: What Every Policymaker Should Know
Publication Date: June 2006 Research Area: Labor; Social conditions