Research Area: Constitutional law

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In Praise of Separation
Publication Date: January 2000 Research Area: Culture and religion; Law and ethics
American Jews: Lowering the Separation of the Church and State Wall?
Publication Date: January 2000 Research Area: Culture and religion; Law and ethics
Defending Academic Freedom
Publication Date: March 1992 Research Area: Education; Human rights; Law and ethics
Forum V: Public Disclosure and Confidentiality
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Culture and religion; Law and ethics; Media, telecommunications, and information
Amending the Constitution by the Convention Method
Publication Date: March 1988 Research Area: Law and ethics
The First Clause of the First Amendment: Politics and Religion
Publication Date: January 1988 Research Area: Culture and religion; Law and ethics
The Religion Clauses of the Constitution
Publication Date: December 1987 Research Area: Culture and religion; Law and ethics
The Original Intent Controversy
Publication Date: December 1987 Research Area: Law and ethics