Research Area: Intellectual property, copyright, patent, and trademark law

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The WTO, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Access to Medicines Controversy
Publication Date: December 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics; Manufacturing and industry
Bioterrorism Countermeasure Development: Issues in Patents and Homeland Security
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics; Manufacturing and industry
Pharmaceutical Patent Litigation Settlements: Implications for Competition and Innovation
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics; Manufacturing and industry
Intellectual Property Rights as a Key Obstacle to Russia's WTO Accession
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics; Trade
Amateur-to-Amateur: The Rise of a New Creative Culture
Publication Date: April 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics; Media, telecommunications, and information
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Dan Hunter, F. Gregory Lastowka
Circumventing Competition: The Perverse Consequences of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Publication Date: March 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics
Publisher(s): Cato Institute Author(s): Timothy B. Lee