Research Area: Intellectual property, copyright, patent, and trademark law

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Copyright Issues in Online Music Delivery
Publication Date: June 2002 Research Area: Law and ethics
Fair Use on the Internet
Publication Date: May 2002 Research Area: Law and ethics
Pharmaceutical Patent Term Extensions: A Brief Explanation
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Law and ethics; Manufacturing and industry
Stem Cell Research and Patents: An Introduction to the Issues
Publication Date: September 2001 Research Area: Health; Law and ethics
HIV/AIDS Drugs, Patents, and the TRIPS Agreement: Issues and Options
Publication Date: July 2001 Research Area: Health; International relations; Law and ethics; Manufacturing and industry
Toward a Framework for Internet Accountability
Publication Date: July 2001 Research Area: Human rights; Law and ethics; Media, telecommunications, and information
The Public Voice, Legitimacy, and ICANN: Interim Report of the NGO and Academic ICANN Study
Publication Date: June 2001 Research Area: International relations; Law and ethics; Media, telecommunications, and information
Vaccine Buying Pools: Is More Protectionism the Best Route?
Publication Date: May 2001 Research Area: Law and ethics