Research Area: Intellectual property, copyright, patent, and trademark law

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Patent Reform: Overview and Comparison of S. 507 and H.R. 400
Publication Date: August 1998 Research Area: Law and ethics
Copyright Term Extension: Estimating the Economic Values
Publication Date: May 1998 Research Area: Law and ethics
The rise of global intellectual property rights and their impact on Asia
Publication Date: January 1995 Research Area: Law and ethics
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Sumner J. La Croix
New Threats to Intellectual Property Rights
Publication Date: March 1990 Research Area: Law and ethics
Renewing the Manufacturing Clause Means More Trouble for U.S. Exports
Publication Date: May 1986 Research Area: Law and ethics; Trade
Improving Patents to Spur Innovation
Publication Date: December 1983 Research Area: Law and ethics; Science and technology
At the U.N. , A Mounting War on Patents
Publication Date: October 1982 Research Area: Law and ethics