Research Area: Liability, torts, and personal injury

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Willful Misconduct: How Bill Frist and the Drug Lobby Covertly Bagged a Liability Shield
Publication Date: May 2006 Research Area: Health; Law and ethics; Politics
Publisher(s): Public Citizen, inc. Author(s): John O'Donnell
Tort Laws on Trial: Lawsuit Liability Measures, 2004
Publication Date: March 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics; Politics
Asbestos Cases In the Courts: No Logjam
Publication Date: February 2006 Research Area: Environment; Health; Justice; Law and ethics
Products Liability: A Legal Overview
Publication Date: June 2005 Research Area: Law and ethics
Asbestos Litigation: Prospects for Legislative Resolution
Publication Date: May 2005 Research Area: Law and ethics
The Frivolous Case for Tort Law Change
Publication Date: May 2005 Research Area: Law and ethics
Federal Asbestos Legislation: The Winners Are...
Publication Date: May 2005 Research Area: Environment; Justice; Law and ethics; Politics
Medical Malpractice Law in the United States
Publication Date: May 2005 Research Area: Law and ethics