Research Area: Automotive industry

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Alternative Fuel Vehicle Tax Incentives and the CLEAR ACT
Publication Date: December 2004 Research Area: Energy; Manufacturing and industry
Firestone Tire Recall: NHTSA, Industry, and Congressional Responses
Publication Date: January 2001 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
Will Congress Again Handicap U.S. Auto Competitiveness?
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Environment; Manufacturing and industry
The Mounting Dangers of the CAFE Mileage Standards
Publication Date: October 1988 Research Area: Energy; Manufacturing and industry
Why Auto Mileage Rules Should Be Relaxed
Publication Date: April 1985 Research Area: Energy; Manufacturing and industry
The Costly Truth About Auto Import Quotas
Publication Date: February 1985 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
Three Cheers for Bill Brock
Publication Date: May 1984 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
The GM-Toyota Joint Venture
Publication Date: September 1983 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
Import Quotas: An Unwise Solution
Publication Date: March 1981 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade