Research Area: Clothing and textile industry

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Textile and Apparel Rules of Origin in International Trade
Publication Date: May 2003 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
The Vietnam-U.S. Textile Agreement
Publication Date: June 2002 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
The Textile Import Restriction Bill Deserves a Bush Veto
Publication Date: September 1990 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
There They Go Again: A Booming Textile Industry Seeks to Sting American Consumers
Publication Date: September 1988 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
Restricting Shoe Imports: Congress Shoots Itself in the Foot
Publication Date: June 1986 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
Why Limiting Textile Imports Would Hurt Americans
Publication Date: September 1985 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
Import Problems and Public Policies: The U.S. Textile Industry
Publication Date: June 1982 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
Unionization of the Textile Industry: A Case Study of J. P. Stevens
Publication Date: August 1977 Research Area: Labor; Manufacturing and industry