Research Area: Credit and loans

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Student Loans: Proposals for Reauthorization
Publication Date: July 1998 Research Area: Banking and finance; Education
Private Mortgage Insurance: Cancellation Options
Publication Date: December 1997 Research Area: Banking and finance
The high costs of environmental loans
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Banking and finance; Environment
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Frances F. Korten
The Six Trillion Dollar Debt Iceberg; A Review of the Government's Risk Exposure
Publication Date: June 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
The S&L Debacle: What Taxpayers Should Know
Publication Date: January 1990 Research Area: Banking and finance
Cashing in on the Federal Quarter-Trillion Dollar Loan Portfolio
Publication Date: October 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
How Congress Can Defuse the Federal Housing Administration Time Bomb
Publication Date: July 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
Proceedings: Eighth Biennial Session National Conference of Jewish Charities - Memphis, May 1914: Free Loan Societies
Publication Date: July 1914 Research Area: Banking and finance; Social conditions
Adequate System of Farmers' Credit
Publication Date: January 1914 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Banking and finance; Social conditions