Research Area: Industry and industrial policy

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Plant Closing Laws: A Blueprint for Destroying U.S. Jobs
Publication Date: June 1987 Research Area: Labor; Manufacturing and industry
Industrial Democracy: Conflict or Cooperation?
Publication Date: March 1984 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
The Myth of America's Declining Manufacturing Sector
Publication Date: January 1984 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
Agriculture's Revealing and Painful Lesson for Industrial Policy
Publication Date: January 1984 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Manufacturing and industry
Industrial Policy: Son of Central Planning
Publication Date: December 1983 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
Industrial Policy: Who Wins, Who Loses
Publication Date: November 1983 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
The Faulty Logic of Industrial Policy
Publication Date: October 1983 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
The Eight Myths of Protectionism
Publication Date: October 1983 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry; Trade
The Chrysler Bail-Out Bust
Publication Date: July 1983 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry
National Industrial Policy: An Overview of the Debate
Publication Date: July 1983 Research Area: Manufacturing and industry