Research Area: Information policy

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Surveying Internet Usage and its Impact in Seven Chinese Cities
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Human rights; Media, telecommunications, and information
Grading Cybersecurity Initiatives: Six Necessary Components
Publication Date: October 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information
The Air Force's Cyber Command: Combating Electronic and Network Threats
Publication Date: September 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Military and defense
P.L. 110-55, the Protect America Act of 2007: Modifications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Publication Date: August 2007 Research Area: Government; Media, telecommunications, and information
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Amendments: 110th Congress
Publication Date: July 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information
Intelligence and Information-Sharing Elements of S. 4 and H.R. 1
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Government; Media, telecommunications, and information
Identity Theft Laws: State Penalties and Remedies and Pending Federal Bills
Publication Date: June 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information
Liability of Interactive Computer Service for Violating the Fair Housing Act
Publication Date: May 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Social conditions
Sharing Law Enforcement and Intelligence Information: The Congressional Role
Publication Date: February 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information
Data Security Breaches: Context and Incident Summaries
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information