Research Area: Military equipment and weapons

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India and Iran: WMD Proliferation Activities
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
"Democratic Bomb": Failed Strategy
Publication Date: November 2006 Research Area: Government; Military and defense
Demilitarization of Significant Military Equipment
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
North Korea's Nuclear Test: Motivations, Implications, and U.S. Options
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1998-2005
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
U.S. Disposal of Chemical Weapons in the Ocean: Background and Issues for Congress
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Environment; Military and defense
North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Latest Developments
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Globalizing Cooperative Threat Reduction: A Survey of Options
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
International Small Arms and Light Weapons Transfers: U.S. Policy
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Military and defense