Research Area: Military equipment and weapons

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Framework for Quantifying Uncertainty in Electric Ship Design
Publication Date: January 2004 Research Area: Military and defense
Artificial Reefs: A Disposal Option for Navy and MARAD Ships
Publication Date: January 2004 Research Area: Military and defense
Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1995-2002
Publication Date: September 2003 Research Area: Military and defense
Nuclear Weapons and U.S. National Security: A Need for New Weapons Programs?
Publication Date: September 2003 Research Area: Military and defense
The Air Force KC-767 Lease Proposal: Key Issues for Congress
Publication Date: September 2003 Research Area: Military and defense
Long-Range Bombers: Background and Issues for Congress
Publication Date: August 2003 Research Area: Military and defense
Nuclear Weapons in Russia: Safety, Security, and Control Issues
Publication Date: August 2003 Research Area: Military and defense
Army Aviation: The RAH-66 Comanche Helicopter Issue
Publication Date: July 2003 Research Area: Military and defense
Verifying North Korean Nuclear Disarmament: A Technical Analysis
Publication Date: June 2003 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Dealing with Iran's Nuclear Challenge
Publication Date: April 2003 Research Area: Military and defense