Research Area: Military equipment and weapons

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National Missile Defense and the ABM Treaty: Overview of Recent Events
Publication Date: March 1999 Research Area: Military and defense
China and U.S. Missile Defense Proposals: Reactions and Implications
Publication Date: March 1999 Research Area: Military and defense
Iraqi Chemical & Biological Weapons (CBW) Capabilities
Publication Date: September 1998 Research Area: Military and defense
Iran: Arms and Technology Acquisitions
Publication Date: June 1998 Research Area: Military and defense
National Missile Defense: Status of the Debate
Publication Date: May 1998 Research Area: Military and defense
International response to nuclear tests in South Asia : the need for a new policy framework
Publication Date: January 1998 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Muthiah Alagappa
Proliferated Autonomous Weapons: An Example of Cooperative Behavior
Publication Date: January 1998 Research Area: Military and defense