Research Area: Military equipment and weapons

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Three Cheers for Reagan's Defense Veto
Publication Date: August 1988 Research Area: Military and defense
The Saudi and Kuwaiti Arms Deals: Who Is the Masochist?
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Military and defense
The Verification Issue: Key to a U.S. -Soviet Arms Accord
Publication Date: August 1987 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Why the U.S. Must Test Nuclear Weapons
Publication Date: April 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
U.S. Nuclear Testing: Enhancing Deterrence Mackubin Thomas Owens
Publication Date: April 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
The Threshold Test Ban Treaty: Verification Is the Sole Stumbling Block
Publication Date: January 1987 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
U.S. -Soviet Arms Talks: A Primer
Publication Date: May 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
A Yellow Light for U.S. Arms Sales to the Saudis
Publication Date: May 1986 Research Area: Government; Military and defense
Closing the Military Airlift Gap
Publication Date: January 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
The U.S. Submarine Fleet: Increasingly Vulnerable to Soviet Attack
Publication Date: November 1985 Research Area: Military and defense