Research Area: Military equipment and weapons

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Close Air Support and the Soviet Threat
Publication Date: August 1982 Research Area: Military and defense
Moscow and the Peace, Offensive
Publication Date: May 1982 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Cutting the High Cost of Weapons
Publication Date: March 1982 Research Area: Military and defense
The AWACS Sale: Prospects for U.S. Policy
Publication Date: October 1981 Research Area: Military and defense
MX Deployment: Inadequacies of the Air and Sea Based Options
Publication Date: August 1981 Research Area: Military and defense
Congress and the Manned Penetrating Bomber Debate
Publication Date: August 1980 Research Area: Military and defense
Insuring Survivability: Basing the MX Missile
Publication Date: May 1980 Research Area: Military and defense
NATO and the Strategic Nuclear Balance
Publication Date: August 1978 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Examining SALT Violations and the Problems of Verification
Publication Date: June 1978 Research Area: Military and defense
Neutron Weapons and the Credibility of NATO Defense
Publication Date: May 1978 Research Area: Military and defense