Research Area: Military personnel

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After Walter Reed: How to Fix Military Medicine
Publication Date: March 2007 Research Area: Health; Military and defense
Effects of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" on Retention Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Military Personnel
Publication Date: March 2007 Research Area: Military and defense
Publisher(s): Author(s): Gary J Gates
A "Rucksack" for U.S. Military Personnel: Modernizing Military Compensation
Publication Date: February 2007 Research Area: Military and defense
State of the Union 2007: Increasing the Size Of The Army And Marine Corps
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Military and defense
National Guard Personnel and Deployments: Fact Sheet
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Military and defense
Compensating for Incomplete Domain Knowledge
Publication Date: January 2007 Research Area: Military and defense