Research Area: Military spending

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Advanced SEAL Delivery System: Perspectives and Options
Publication Date: January 2001 Research Area: Military and defense
Appropriations for FY2001: Military Construction
Publication Date: November 2000 Research Area: Military and defense
Strategic Sourcing: Measuring and Managing Performance
Publication Date: January 2000 Research Area: Military and defense
Evaluating Five Proposed Price and Credit Policies for the Army
Publication Date: January 2000 Research Area: Military and defense
A Study of Overhead Rate Behavior at a U.S. Air Force Base in the Context of A-76 Competitions
Publication Date: January 2000 Research Area: Military and defense
Publisher(s): Pardee Rand Graduate School Author(s): Alan Laverson
Appropriations for FY2000: Defense
Publication Date: October 1999 Research Area: Military and defense
Appropriations for FY2000: Military Construction
Publication Date: August 1999 Research Area: Military and defense
A Defense Budget Primer
Publication Date: December 1998 Research Area: Military and defense
Appropriations for FY1999: Military Construction
Publication Date: November 1998 Research Area: Military and defense
Incentives to Undertake Sourcing Studies in the Air Force
Publication Date: January 1998 Research Area: Military and defense