Research Area: Military spending

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Strategic Defense: How Much Will It Really Cost?
Publication Date: October 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
By Impeding Contracting Out, Congress Forces the Pentagon to Waste Money
Publication Date: September 1987 Research Area: Military and defense
How to Save Money at the Pentagon While Improving the Nation's Defense
Publication Date: March 1986 Research Area: Military and defense
Pentagon Management Problems: Congress Shares the Blame
Publication Date: January 1985 Research Area: Government; Military and defense
Removing the Pentagon's Perverse Budget Incentives
Publication Date: June 1984 Research Area: Military and defense
Five Myths of Defense Spending
Publication Date: March 1984 Research Area: Military and defense
Congress Guns Down the Defense Budget
Publication Date: October 1983 Research Area: Military and defense
Shortchanging Military Readiness
Publication Date: May 1983 Research Area: Military and defense
What Price Defense?
Publication Date: October 1982 Research Area: Military and defense
The Reagan Defense Budget: Failing to Meet the Threat
Publication Date: July 1982 Research Area: Military and defense