Research Area: Military spending

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Defense: FY2007 Authorization and Appropriations
Publication Date: August 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Spend Analyses Conducted for the Air Force F100 Engine Demonstration
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Market Research Can Help the Air Force Maintain a High-Quality Supply Base
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Publisher(s): RAND Corporation Author(s): Nancy Y. Moore, Nancy Nicosia
Managing Cost and Capacity Data in the Air Force's Air Education and Training Command
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Commercial Purchasing and Supply: Management Practices Can Help the Air Force Reduce Costs
Publication Date: January 2006 Research Area: Military and defense
Congress Must Not Shortchange the Military at a Time of War
Publication Date: November 2005 Research Area: Military and defense
Defense Authorization and Appropriations Bills: FY1970-FY2006
Publication Date: November 2005 Research Area: Military and defense
Zeroing In: A Capabilities-based Alternative to Precision Guided Munitions Planning
Publication Date: September 2005 Research Area: Military and defense
Publisher(s): Pardee Rand Graduate School Author(s): Sam Loeb
Defense: FY2006 Authorization and Appropriations
Publication Date: July 2005 Research Area: Military and defense