Research Area: National security

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America's Stake in the NATO Nuclear Debate
Publication Date: October 1989 Research Area: International relations; Military and defense
Meeting the Threat of Ballistic Missiles in the Third World
Publication Date: September 1989 Research Area: Military and defense
Why America's Military Services Balk at the Strategic Defense Initiative
Publication Date: July 1989 Research Area: Military and defense
Congress's SDI Cuts Deserve a Bush Veto
Publication Date: July 1989 Research Area: Military and defense
Catholic Bishops and Strategic Defense: A Case of Moral Disarmament
Publication Date: July 1989 Research Area: Culture and religion; Military and defense
The State Department and Arms Control
Publication Date: June 1989 Research Area: Military and defense
Meeting the Challenge of SDI Battle Management
Publication Date: May 1989 Research Area: Military and defense
The Future of the Land-Based Deterrent
Publication Date: November 1988 Research Area: Military and defense
The Strategic Defense Initiative: Myth and Reality
Publication Date: July 1988 Research Area: Military and defense
SDI's Trillion Dollar Dividend
Publication Date: March 1988 Research Area: Military and defense; Science and technology