Research Area: Campaigns, lobbying, and pressure groups

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Campaign Contributors Hedge Their Bets in 2004 Portland City Council Races
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Democracy Reform Oregon Author(s): Janice Thompson
State Public Campaign Financing Laws -- Summary Charts
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Economics; Politics
Money and Diversity in State Legislatures 2003
Publication Date: April 2005 Research Area: Government; Politics
Local News Coverage of the 2004 Campaigns: An Analysis of Nightly Broadcasts in 11 Markets
Publication Date: February 2005 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Politics
Spanish-language TV Coverage of the 2004 Campaigns
Publication Date: February 2005 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Norman Lear Center Author(s): Matthew Hale
Almost Unbeatable: Money and Incumbency, 2002
Publication Date: January 2005 Research Area: Politics
Look Who's Not Coming to Washington: Qualified Candidates Shut Out by Big Money
Publication Date: January 2005 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Author(s): Adam Lioz, Dana Mason
Names in the News: Agriculture Secretary Nominee Mike Johanns
Publication Date: December 2004 Research Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishing; Politics
The "Money Party" Wins 91 Percent of Oregon Legislative Race
Publication Date: November 2004 Research Area: Politics
2002 State Elections Overview
Publication Date: November 2004 Research Area: Politics