Research Area: Elections and voting

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Covering 2008: A Journalists' Guide
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Media, telecommunications, and information; Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
Presidential Primary Dates for 2008
Publication Date: December 2007 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Reform Institute Author(s): Reform Institute
The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) at 5
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
The Office of the President
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Tax Policy Center Author(s): C. Eugene Steuerle
Ballotwatch: Election Results 2007
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Politics
Ballotwatch: Election 2007 Preview
Publication Date: November 2007 Research Area: Politics
Presidential Nominating Process: Current Issues
Publication Date: October 2007 Research Area: Politics
Latino Voters Do Vote By Mail- But Only if We Let Them
Publication Date: October 2007 Research Area: Politics; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): Common Cause Education Fund Author(s): Derek Cressman