Research Area: Elections and voting

Sort by:   arrowDate   arrowTitle   Results/page: 10 20 30 Annual Report 2002
Publication Date: October 2002 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
A California State of Mind: The Conflicted Voter in a Changing World
Publication Date: September 2002 Research Area: Politics
Mobilizing the Latino Vote: Tapping the Power of the Hispanic Electorate
Publication Date: July 2002 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Author(s): NCLR, NCLR
Working Together: State and Local Election Coordination
Publication Date: April 2002 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
Voter Identification
Publication Date: April 2002 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
Statewide Voter Registration Databases
Publication Date: March 2002 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
Mobilizing the Vote: Latinos and Immigrants in the 2002 Midterm Election
Publication Date: January 2002 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): National Council of La Raza Author(s): NCLR, NCLR