Research Area: Elections and voting

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Redistricting 2010: Reforming the Process of Distributing Political Power
Publication Date: February 2009 Research Area: Government; Politics; Population and demographics
No Time to Vote: Challenges Facing America's Overseas Military Voters
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Military and defense; Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
Mapping Public Financing in American Elections
Publication Date: January 2009 Research Area: Economics; Politics
Model Law on Payments Influencing Candidates and Elected Officials
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Politics
Data for Democracy - Improving Elections through Metrics and Measurement
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
Election 2008 in Review
Publication Date: December 2008 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Pew Center on the States
Is Rush Right on the Left?
Publication Date: November 2008 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Author(s): Andrew Silow-Carroll
Pre-Election Poll: Voters, Health Care and the 2008 Election
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Health; Politics
Coming Home To Their Roots
Publication Date: October 2008 Research Area: Politics
Publisher(s): Jewish Week Author(s): Steven Lipman