Research Area: Political ideologies and movements

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Shaping Americans Values Debate
Publication Date: September 1992 Research Area: Politics
Beyond Government: The Future of Christian Virtue
Publication Date: June 1992 Research Area: Culture and religion; Politics
Political Errors at the End of the 20th Century, Part III: International Errors
Publication Date: April 1992 Research Area: International relations; Politics
America's Decisions
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Politics
Jewish Political Activism: Promoting Ethnic Identity and Group Survival
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Culture and religion; Politics
A View from Outside the Beltway: Winning Policy--Themes for the 1990's
Publication Date: December 1991 Research Area: Politics
Unfinished Business, New Challenges
Publication Date: September 1991 Research Area: Politics
The Role of Black Conservative Leaders in the 1990s
Publication Date: March 1991 Research Area: Politics
Prospects for Conservatives, Part IV: Prospects for the Proletariat
Publication Date: February 1991 Research Area: Politics