Research Area: Political status

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Poland's New Government: Background and Issues for the United States
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Government; Politics
The West Must Back Full Independence for Kosovo
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Politics
Russia on the March: The Return of the Red Square Parades
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Politics
The Road Out of Gaza
Publication Date: February 2008 Research Area: Politics
Abeyi: Sudan's "Kashmir"
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Politics
Georgia's January 2008 Presidential Election: Outcome and Implications
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Government; Politics
Peru: Political Situation, Economic Conditions and U.S. Relations
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Government; Politics
Guatemala: 2007 Elections and Issues for Congress
Publication Date: January 2008 Research Area: Government; Politics