Research Area: Demography and census

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Asian and Pacific Population Forum, Volume 06, no. 3
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Population and demographics
Poverty in the Philippines : the impact of family size
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Economics; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): East-West Center Author(s): Allison Greenspan
Why the New Census Report Will Overstate Poverty
Publication Date: September 1991 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
World Jewish Population, 1989
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
World Jewish Population, 1989: Updated Estimates
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
The Demographic Impact of the Holocaust on the Jewish People
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Population and demographics
Asian and Pacific Population Forum, Special Issue
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Population and demographics
Asian and Pacific Population Forum, Volume 05, nos. 2-3
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Population and demographics
Asian and Pacific Population Forum, Volume 05, no. 1
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Population and demographics
Asian and Pacific Population Forum, Volume 05, no. 4
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Population and demographics