Research Area: International banking and finance

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Why the World Bank Should Read Its Own Report
Publication Date: September 1989 Research Area: Banking and finance
Reducing Third World Debt: Private vs. Public Strategies
Publication Date: April 1989 Research Area: Banking and finance
The World Bank's Environmental Disasters
Publication Date: July 1987 Research Area: Banking and finance; Environment
The Inter-American Development Bank: Re-thinking America's Role
Publication Date: June 1987 Research Area: Banking and finance
Anchoring the International Monetary System
Publication Date: March 1987 Research Area: Banking and finance
The U.S. Should Keep the IMF Door Locked When Poland Gomes Knocking
Publication Date: March 1986 Research Area: Banking and finance
An Agenda for the IMF Conference
Publication Date: September 1984 Research Area: Banking and finance
Eastern Block Indebtedness to the West
Publication Date: September 1979 Research Area: Banking and finance; Trade
Ten Years After: The Lasting Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis
Publication Date: Research Area: Banking and finance