Research Area: Ethnic and racial groups

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The Next Generation: Russian Jewish Young Adults in Contemporary New York
Publication Date: January 2005 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
Contemporary Jewish Diaspora in Global Context: Human Development Correlates of Population Trends
Publication Date: January 2005 Research Area: Population and demographics
Publisher(s): Author(s): Sergio DellaPergola, Uzi Rebhun, Mark Tolts
What Factors Affect the Military Enlistment of Hispanic Youth?: A Look at Enlistment Qualifications
Publication Date: January 2005 Research Area: Military and defense; Population and demographics
Geographic Differences among American Jews
Publication Date: October 2004 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): Author(s): Ira M. Sheskin
The Jewish Community Study of New York: 2002
Publication Date: October 2004 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Jewish Immigrants in the United States Report Series on the NJPS 2000-01
Publication Date: October 2004 Research Area: Population and demographics
Publisher(s): Author(s): Jonathon Ament
California's Multiracial Population
Publication Date: August 2004 Research Area: Population and demographics
Reform Jews
Publication Date: June 2004 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
The Jewish Community Study of New York: 2002 -- Geographic Profile
Publication Date: June 2004 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Findings on Employment and Vocational Issues
Publication Date: May 2004 Research Area: Culture and religion; Labor; Population and demographics