Research Area: Immigrants and aliens

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On the Use of Language in Pyschotherapy with Emigres from the Former Soviet Union
Publication Date: January 1994 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics; Social conditions
Psychological and Learning Problems of Immigrant Children From the Former Soviet Union
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
The Effects of Emigration on Soviet Children: Latency to Adolescence
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Issues in Absorbing Aged Russian Jewish Immigrants: Observations from the Current Israel Experience
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
Resettling Russian Musicians: From Émigré to Artist-Entrepeneur
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Working with Interpreters: An Experience in Soviet Resettlement
Publication Date: January 1993 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
Loss and the Emigration Experience of Jews from the former Soviet Union
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Population and demographics
Assimilation of Israeli Immigrants in the United States and Its Implications for Communal Services
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Russian Migration to Israel: The Analysis of a Refugee Movement and Its Impact on Israeli Society
Publication Date: January 1992 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Mobilizing Resources for Soviet Resettlement
Publication Date: January 1991 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics; Social conditions