Research Area: Immigrants and aliens

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Importing Poverty: Immigration and Poverty in the United States: A Book of Charts
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity
Publication Date: October 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
Immigration Related Border Security Legislation in the 109th Congress
Publication Date: September 2006 Research Area: Government; Population and demographics
Civic Inequalities: Immigrant Volunteerism and Community Organizations in California
Publication Date: July 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics; Social conditions
Davis-Bacon Wages in Senate Immigration Bill Would Keep Immigrants in the Underground Economy
Publication Date: May 2006 Research Area: Labor; Population and demographics
Young Children in Immigrant Families: The Role of Philanthropy
Publication Date: May 2006 Research Area: Banking and finance; Population and demographics
Immigration Enforcement Within the United States
Publication Date: April 2006 Research Area: Law and ethics; Population and demographics