Research Area: Immigration and immigration policy

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Immigration Policy for Intracompany Transfers (L Visa): Issues and Legislation
Publication Date: May 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
Civilian Patrols Along the Border: Legal and Policy Issues
Publication Date: April 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
"Hagel-Martinez Compromise" Immigration Reform Legislation: Due Process Highlights and Lowlights
Publication Date: April 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
Snapshot of the "Hagel-Martinez Compromise" Immigration Reform Legislation
Publication Date: April 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
Highlights from the Senate Judiciary Committee's Mark-up of the Specter Immigration Bill
Publication Date: March 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
An Overview of the Senate Judiciary Committee Immigration Bill
Publication Date: March 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
Senate Judiciary CommitteeÂ’s Immigration Bill: Due Process Highlights and Lowlights
Publication Date: March 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
The Chairman's Mark Misses the Mark on Due Process
Publication Date: March 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics
Immigration Enforcement: What Has Been Tried? What Has Been The Result?
Publication Date: March 2006 Research Area: Population and demographics