Research Area: Immigration and immigration policy

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Immigration: The New Affidavit of Support - Questions, Answers, and Issues
Publication Date: December 1997 Research Area: Population and demographics
Central American Asylum Seekers: Impact of 1996 Immigration Law
Publication Date: November 1997 Research Area: Population and demographics
The Integration of Jewish Immigrants in Montreal: Models and Dilemmas of Ethnic Match
Publication Date: November 1996 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Preparing America for the Wave of Russian Immigrants
Publication Date: March 1991 Research Area: Population and demographics
A National Identity Card: Inching Toward Big Brother
Publication Date: May 1990 Research Area: Population and demographics
A Pro-Family, Pro-Growth Legal Immigration Policy for America
Publication Date: November 1989 Research Area: Population and demographics
Mass "Aliyah" - A Thing of the Past?
Publication Date: June 1989 Research Area: Population and demographics
The Return Migration of American Olim
Publication Date: January 1989 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): Jewish Agency for Israel Author(s): Chaim I. Waxman
Nine Myths About Immigration
Publication Date: February 1984 Research Area: Population and demographics
Soviet Jews in the United States: A Profile
Publication Date: January 1977 Research Area: Culture and religion; Population and demographics
Publisher(s): American Jewish Committee Author(s): Joseph Edelman